Base de conocimiento

How to change or cancel your subscription

Note: Subscriptions on Auglio renew automatically unless you unsubscribe or uninstall the Virtual Try-On App from your Shopify store.

To change your subscription plan

  1. Go to Plans
  2. Choose a plan and click the Upgrade or Downgrade button
  3. Your subscription will change immediately and the subscription fee will be prorated.

To cancel your subscription plan

  1. Go to Plans
  2. Click the Cancel button of your current plan
  3. Your subscription will be canceled immediately and the Virtual Try-On App will be automatically removed from your Shopify store.

The Virtual Try-On is a pay-as-you-go service (monthly or yearly). This means there are no long-term contracts. You can choose to upgrade, downgrade, or cancel your account at any time.

Etiquetas:  Plans

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